The Unintended Benefits of Virtual Photoshoots

Virtual sessions were a helpful fix when shooting in person wasn’t an option (thanks Covid). I figured they probably wouldn’t be a long term solution and that they wouldn’t be the biggest hit - after all, don’t people get sessions to get really nice, high quality photos? I’ve always known in the back of my head that that usually wasn’t the case, but seeing these virtual sessions in action only affirmed what I already hoped was true.

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At first, it was a true test as a photographer. I wasn’t there to control lighting, to move the camera. I couldn’t ask to adjust hair or hands. I had to rely entirely on the conditions I was given - it was… challenging. Especially since new photographers are often fed this narrative about getting the ‘perfect shot’. The perfect light. The right conditions. For the longest time I was scared to shoot in the middle of the day - fearing that harsh sun and squinted eyes. I’ve come to learn that great photography doesn’t actually require much. It just requires a captured emotion - or an intended message.

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These sessions had an additional, almost accidental benefit. Now I was able to offer this empowering service to people who aren’t in my immediate vicinity - and at a fraction of the cost. Sure you can’t print these photos (I mean you could try) and they’re not going to always be compositionally perfect, but they allow for a delicate distance between myself and my clients. A distance that allows people to get their feet wet being in front of a camera. It allows people to see themselves for often the very first time within the comfort and safety of their own home.

They also had the added benefit of meeting amazing humans from all over the globe. Hell, I’ve done these virtual sessions as far as Singapore and Ireland! After doing over 40 (!!!) of these, it’s a service that I now know, Il’l be keeping forever.

If I’m being honest - I’m literally in the midst of a breakup and moving out - I needed this and it reminded me to love my body and I can see how happy I can be in some of those photos and I love seeing my smile. Sorry to get sappy on ya, it’s just been a bit since it’s been genuine.

Whenever I get stuck in the loop of being a perfect photographer, with flawless composition and sharp AF images - I like doing these virtual sessions as a reminder of why I got into this type of photographer in the first place.

It’s for women/couples/non-binary folx to have an experience - a concentrated healing that happens within our short time together. It’s a 45 minute window where together we move you through breathing into your body, and accepting yourself for who you are in this moment. Right here and right now.

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And honestly? Everything else is extra.




Amy Pence-Brown