Big Ol’ Lethbridge Heart Throbs | Biloxi Parish

The first time I saw Biloxi Parish, I was hooked. Music is great, obviously. Much talent. Yes. (You can preview one of their songs below this nifty little paragraph!) But more so than anything, the energy brought to the stage and the connection between Zach (left, above) and Ben (right, above) is simply now one of my most favourite things to capture. For a gal who likes the broads, these two are *~huge boy crushes of mine.

At some point in the future before I’m dead (hopefully), I’ll do a small batch print run of some of my favourite photos of these guys and it’ll be glorious. This is my third show I’ve shot of them, so I’ve got one or two ya know? Until that time, enjoy these snaps from when they played with Bunny Eyes and Wares at Owl Acoustic.




Midjourney — The AI Art Generator