
"I’d like to tell you how fucking empowering the shoot was for me today. Like, usually in a setting like that my imposter syndrome would kick in but I genuinely adore you and feel so comfortable being around you and it’s exactly what I needed to really bring it home that I’m fucking slaying this shit."

I don’t really have much to say regarding this session, other that it really ticked a lot of boxes for me. I love when really good friends become clients because they’re already REAL jazzed up about what I do, and having that existing connection with a person makes it a really unique experience.

So thanks to you, Tera my love. For trusting me.

queer woman looking down smiling black and white
black and white image of a queer woman looking out the window. Peaceful expression.
black and white photograph of a queer woman sitting in a chair, left arm behind her, smiling
black and white photograph of a queer woman sitting on a couch, looking out the window smiling
Photograph of a gay woman in a sports bra and tomboyx briefs looks out the window smiling
black and white photograph of a queer woman sitting up in a bed, a white sheet over her leg, wearing a sports bra looking down

Bri | The Leather Set


Big Ol’ Lethbridge Heart Throbs | Biloxi Parish